Ireland Gambling Laws Explained

Ireland Gambling Laws Explained

The laws pertaining to gambling in Ireland can be quite confusing, especially considering the multiple changes around a decade that completely restructured Irish gambling regulation. They may change in their complexity, but they demonstrate Ireland's commitment to being relevant and adaptive to a sustainable, technology-driven sector. With these updates, Irish law stands a chance with the global gambling spectrum. For those interested in secure poker betting or any other gambling activities, it’s important to be aware of the evolving legal framework to ensure safe and responsible play.

This page is a creation of experienced gambling industry professionals who have a thorough understanding of online gambling law in Ireland. While they provide valuable insights, they are not lawyers and do not offer legal advice or similar services. If you are looking for legal views on gambling issues arising in Ireland, please contact an attorney specializing in gambling law.

Gambling Laws in Ireland 2025 Version

Regulated gambling in Ireland dated back to the Betting Act of the mid-1800s and developed into the present regulatory structure through a process of gradual evolution. Since then, Irish lawmakers have been working hard to update legal frameworks to reflect the modern gambling market environment in line with international standards.

Although it took time for changes to cement, Ireland has made headway toward modernizing and refining its gambling laws. The ongoing amendments attest to the determination the country has in positioning itself as a contender in the global gambling market. The present page highlights current gambling laws, categorized based on betting venues.

Ireland’s Gambling Regulation Bill

Ireland's Gambling Regulation Bill was enacted by Parliament in November against the backdrop of parliament, establishing a regulatory authority capable of governing all forms of gaming in the country, with the inclusion of in-person, online, and mobile casinos. The authority is slated to assume its functions in 2025.

Any ban of gambling ads on television from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm, total ban on social media advertising, restrictions on sponsorships by gambling companies for Irish sporting clubs that have players younger than 18, are among the key provisions of the bill. While gambling through money from credit cards is outright illegal under this law, it does also abolish VIP memberships and free bet promotions as exploitative toward gambling addicts.

It is also proposed that the regulatory body maintain a National Self-Exclusion Register, which is a public listing of licensed gambling operators in good standing in Ireland. Another highlight is the Social Impact Fund that shall fund research and programs to deal with the problem of gambling.

Expect additional regulations to emerge as the regulatory body starts functioning in 2025.

Casino Gambling Laws in Ireland

Also, in the past, there was little regulation surrounding gambling in general in Ireland, including casinos. The Gaming and Lotteries Act specifically prohibits casino gambling.

Nevertheless, one clause in the law provided an opportunity for the more innovative businesses to open members-only gambling establishments, where the same restrictions did not apply. These establishments function like mini-casinos, offering several games, including slot machines, video poker, blackjack, and poker.

Presently, there are about 14 such clubs across Ireland where membership allows participation. Generally referred to as clubs, some are technically called casinos. The operation of such clubs does not breach the Gaming and Lotteries Act, as real-money playing of casino games is permitted.

The Gambling Control Bill has been active since the past few years; if passed, it would provide for full commercial casino gambling in Ireland and would probably allow 40 casinos to open, each with 15 tables. Other provisions include regulation for online and offline casinos, poker, and the bingo industries, but no estimate is given for when this bill is expected to move into the next phase.

Online Casino Gambling Laws in Ireland

Online casino gaming is legal in Ireland; citizens are allowed to play on domestically licensed and also on foreign-regulated online gambling platforms.

To explore the best online casino destinations for Irish players, please head to our section dedicated to Ireland’s online casinos.

Poker Laws in Ireland

Several gambling clubs in Ireland offer live poker. Because most forms of gambling, with the exception of gambling clubs, are generally made illegal by the Gaming and Lotteries Act, there is little choice but to find live poker action in one of the 14 gambling clubs across the land.

These clubs usually offer poker games, but on a smaller scale. With options for land-based poker limited in Ireland, many players turn to legal online poker sites that cater to an Irish audience.

The Irish Open Poker Tournament is Europe’s biggest and second longest-running No Limit Texas Hold'em tournament in the world, a reflection of the massive following and interest in poker within the Irish gambling community.

Laws About Playing Online Poker in Ireland

Poker is legally available for play online in Ireland through offshore and domestic licensed poker rooms. A vetted list of legal online poker sites for Irish players provides poker lovers with a safe and regulated option.

Sports Betting Laws in Ireland

Gambling has cropped out into what it is today, with the earliest gambling laws concerning sports betting achieved in Ireland. All sports betting activities were brought under the umbrella of the Betting Act; it remains Ireland's framework for sports betting. Bookmaking continues to be amongst the most popular forms of gambling among citizens of Ireland.

This Act includes offshore sportsbooks and betting exchanges as part of Ireland's licensing and taxation regime and makes for certain specified provisions on licensing of remote bookmakers or betting intermediaries for the provision of services to Irish citizens.

Pari-Mutuel Wagering Laws

Pari-mutuel betting has a strong tradition in the gambling culture of the Republic of Ireland, primarily concerning horse and greyhound racing. Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) was created under the Horse and Greyhound Racing Act in support of the regulation and development of the industry.

Irish citizens are permitted to place legal bets on horse races online and offline via licensed Irish bookmakers and internationally regulated operators.

Bingo Laws and Regulations in Ireland

Real-money gambling in commercial bingo halls is banned by the Gaming and Lotteries Act, but operators have worked around this by opening bingo clubs. These clubs create the atmosphere of a bingo hall, allowing players to play real-money bingo games.

Apart from this, several high-quality online bingo options are available locally and from international bingo sites to Irish players.

Lottery Laws in Ireland

Established under the National Lottery Act, Ireland's National Lottery aims to raise funds for charity. Various lottery games include Lotto, EuroMillions, and Daily Million. It also funds televised bingo games, scratchcards, and raffles.

This month, the law was amended to allow the online sale of lottery tickets, which is a huge step toward modernizing the industry and could offer extra funds for another public initiative-a national children's hospital.

Recent Gambling Legislation in Ireland

With the evolution of the global gambling space, the gambling regulations of Ireland have dynamic developments as well. The Courts and Civil Liabilities (Miscellaneous Provisions) bill is one such new legislation directed at the modernization of gambling laws in Ireland. It increases the age at which one is allowed to gamble from 16 to 18 and alters the Gaming and Lotteries Act in line with modern developments.

Besides these updates, other proposed changes are also under consideration by Parliament, including those concerning prize limits for local lotteries and the procedures for acquiring permits for larger-scale gambling events.